Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Bipartisan/BipolarLaff Riot!!

Then this guy from Illinois, the governor, I think... he wants to auction off a Senate seat! And he won't go for 8 million bucks for a children's hospital unless he gets $50K in campaign donation from

These guys remind me of sixth grade. You know--hand

And how about that good ol' American entrepreneurial spit... I mean spirit? Nothing says taking the public sector into the private quite like a little entre-nous auctioning of a Senate seat.
To all those sourpusses out there who've been bad-mouthing these two: Cancha take a joke?
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How did Blogo miss being a Republican?
He certainly has the testicular fortitude for their gang.
I just hope he has good anal sphincter fortitude as well. It'll help him in the pokey.
He certainly has the testicular fortitude for their gang.
I just hope he has good anal sphincter fortitude as well. It'll help him in the pokey.
These jokers deserve a venue--- Jail!
Blago refuses to resign, so now they have to do some legal maneuvering to get him out.
I don't know how the hell Bush ever kept his position.
I'd like to see his expression if he were housed in Camp Justice, somehow the orange jumpsuit, shackles & dog cage style housing seems more befitting than that $2.07 million dollar place he just bought near Dallas. Guess the 1600 acre Crawford ranch was not enough.
But if you do the math, @ $440,000 a year, that house cost him every penny of 5 years presidential salary.
You think George has other income sources.... like big oil & war profiteering? Hmmmmm the joke's on us.
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Blago refuses to resign, so now they have to do some legal maneuvering to get him out.
I don't know how the hell Bush ever kept his position.
I'd like to see his expression if he were housed in Camp Justice, somehow the orange jumpsuit, shackles & dog cage style housing seems more befitting than that $2.07 million dollar place he just bought near Dallas. Guess the 1600 acre Crawford ranch was not enough.
But if you do the math, @ $440,000 a year, that house cost him every penny of 5 years presidential salary.
You think George has other income sources.... like big oil & war profiteering? Hmmmmm the joke's on us.
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