Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Ruthie Rave

I'm still recovering from another dynamite Ruthie Foster concert.
In an early blog I wrote about stumbling onto a Ruthie concert at a local outdoor venue one summer night and having my socks knocked off.
She came through again last year, touring with Bo Diddly, and she ended up stealing the goddam show. No shit. She tried to calm us down and allow the next two acts to proceed, the final one being Bo himself. The crowd wasn't having any of it. I felt sorry for anyone who had to follow her.
Y'all can have yer Amy Winehouse. To me she's empty beside this amazing woman out of Texas. Her voice soars and sustains. Her guitar playing is wicked good, as we say in the Northeast.
I'm glad I'm too old. Otherwise I'd turn into one of those fans who hops in the car and follows Ruthie up and down her tour, the way my niece followed John Denver up and down California many years ago.
Only Ruthie is more radiant--funny, wise, very savvy in the way she connects with her audience. Full of great impressions of the people she comes from. If this woman comes to your neighborhood in the foreseeable future, get your tickets early. You fucking won't believe it. And all she does is get better and better.
Texas, I envy you.
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Oh, good. A genuine Texan to cancel out that New Englander bastard Bush and his entire carpetbagging family.
omg ...she is amazing...wow....I have to see her LIVE....I just spent an enjoyable time over on YouTube listening to her- but she has stories, and a sense of humor- and just such a nice way about her...thanks...such a nice find- thank you.....wonderful.....
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