Friday, March 21, 2008
Hands Across the Aisle: Helping the GOP with its 'Brand'
"It's no mystery," said Rep. Thomas M. Davis III (R-Va.). "You have a very unhappy electorate, which is no surprise, with oil at $108 a barrel, stocks down a few thousand points, a war in Iraq with no end in sight and a president who is still very, very unpopular. He's just killed the Republican brand."
This scapegoating is somewhat unfair, I think, since members of his party and not a few folks across the aisle have readily tagged after him as he blazed a Path of Mass Destruction for our country to follow.
Nevertheless, a Republican congressman recently lamented that the Republican "brand" had been sullied by the Oilman-in-Chief, and it was going to be derned difficult for party candidates to win elections for quite some time.
I must admit I felt a pang of pity for the Grand Old Party. After all, my Republican roots run deep. Both my parents were Republicans. My high school sweetheart and I were Teen Age Republicans, at least till we were asked to leave a meeting when we wouldn't stop badgering Pat Hitt (eventually Undersecretary of Health, Education, and Welfare in the Nixon Administration and at the time a state party mucky-muck) about her statement that one should vote for the party rather than for the candidate, since the party would straighten [him] out if he was a dork.
I have always been grateful to the party for asking me to leave. Like the extremely compliant child that I was, I never came back.
That is, not until now, when I offer the GOP several "branding" suggestions ("branding" is the current in-process for organizations).
Let's start with this guy. Dubya may have messed up the brand, but Cheney has been so out of

Republicanism also appeals to the little guy who aspires to be a bigger

This one meets the needs of the evangelical base. Focused on the healing

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I love the Jesus bandages, how perfect...too funny..Now about davis- he does not think that he might also be a LITTLE responsible for the Downfall of the Repukes ????well well...( the amount of DENILE...he sounds like a Perfect Repug...)
sigh...I can not wait until this is ALLLLLL over....I hope that November....soooooon
sigh...I can not wait until this is ALLLLLL over....I hope that November....soooooon
I gave my hypochondriac big sister those Jesus bandaids for Christmas.
Everyone else was very jealous.
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Everyone else was very jealous.
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