Wednesday, October 31, 2007
It's Waterboarding, Not Apple Bobbing

Mukasey has dodged the questions of the Senate Judiciary Committee on the practice, saying that he doesn't have the security clearance for making an informed statement. That's telling 'em, Mike!
Dubya wasn't going to select a Petraeus who wasn't going to bullshit Congress, nor a Mukasey who won't play along with the assembled chickenhawks.
Actually, since our Commander-in-Chief has such cojones grandes, we should probably start with him. I'm sure it wouldn't faze him a bit. He and El Cheney could go on a field trip.
Now there's something that definitely should start at the top.
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Ooooh! SMACK! And he thought he could get away with a polite, "no comment, I don't know enough about waterboarding torture".
From the words of the Commander/Decider himself- he's either fer it or against it.
Get your Axis (of evil) together.
As for the cojones, muy pocito, that is why he is compensating for something with the superpower complex, Eh?
From the words of the Commander/Decider himself- he's either fer it or against it.
Get your Axis (of evil) together.
As for the cojones, muy pocito, that is why he is compensating for something with the superpower complex, Eh?
That's genuine waterboarding sportswear... Bush thinks that soon everyone will want some, and Halliburton will start peddling it in a catalog.
In light of this controversy, we must stick to our predilection for water-somethinging and institute bobbing for apples instead. We could aggravate, not torture, but aggravate the prisoners by putting in rotten apples or apples with razor blades or even substituting apples for eyeballs or something. Then it would serve its purpose and still be viewed worldwide as a game that even children love to play.
In light of this controversy, we must stick to our predilection for water-somethinging and institute bobbing for apples instead. We could aggravate, not torture, but aggravate the prisoners by putting in rotten apples or apples with razor blades or even substituting apples for eyeballs or something. Then it would serve its purpose and still be viewed worldwide as a game that even children love to play.
If I were in charge of torture, I'd force terrorists to watch ABC's "CAVEMEN" non-stop while being forced to eat those new deep fried mac n' cheese nuggets they sell at Sonic or somewhere.
Then I'd make them stand in line at Walmart the day after Thanksgiving when they have DVD players on sale for $16.82.
Then I'd make them watch a DVD of Celene Dionne doing it with her husband Rene Angelil while being serenaded with Shakespeare soliloquys delivered by Reba McEntire and Larry the Cable Guy.
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Then I'd make them stand in line at Walmart the day after Thanksgiving when they have DVD players on sale for $16.82.
Then I'd make them watch a DVD of Celene Dionne doing it with her husband Rene Angelil while being serenaded with Shakespeare soliloquys delivered by Reba McEntire and Larry the Cable Guy.
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