Thursday, October 04, 2007
Bits of Thirst

Shopworn Communism—We saw this chipped Lenin on the front of a building that didn’t look as if it had been rented lately. Still nice to see an old image powering the people. I want to say to the politicians: remember the people?
Rule of Law?!?--I met the gentleman down in front of the
His grievances weren’t always coherent to the casual observer, but his passion was heartfelt. Along with the patents was something about his sister’s kidney and Mother Theresa and her successor. He wanted to give them the millions in income that his patents had generated. Ashcroft wasn’t interested; neither was Little Al. I don't think that the new guy will be, either. Remember--it all starts at the top.
Me, I like a series of red-lettered billboard that uses at least one “turdhead” on them.
Power Pets Only, Pleeze--Not far from the Justice Building is the Commerce Department, which seems to have influenced the selection of entertainment at the National Aquarium next door. At the Monterey Bay Aquarium of my homeland, we gather to watch the feeding of the sea otters. I guess so close to
So that’s my little slice of DC. The people were lovely, especially in the neighborhoods, the sights singular.
I miss y’already.
It's home we go to object strenuously to the bombing of Iran! (Read Seymour Hersch's article in this week's New Yorker to behold the administration's thinking (or lack of it) justifying the attack on Iran. Cheney's back to writing fiction.)Oh yeah, the old bomb Iran clan. Today a crawler on the tele showed Nuclear Standoff with Iran. It was as though they had nukes pointing at us and Bush and Cheney and Gates and Pickles were all taking turns hovering their shaky finger over the button. "OMG, they are going to lob a nuke at us, should we nuke 'em first. I dunno, Pickles, it is your turn. My finger is tired." "Oh, Condi, that is what you always say and I am not buying it this time. Let Dick do it for you."
sorry to be such a buzz kill
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