Monday, September 03, 2007
Harriet Miers Spotted Over Texas Hill Country

The spunky lass, who once referred to President George W. Bush as "the most brilliant man I have ever known" has been seen riding air drafts over Texas hill country, home of the convent which was home to the late Sister Bertrille.
"She's really taken up where Sister Bertrille left off," remarked Mother Superior Indulgencia Perpetua. "She barely makes it down in time for vespers. And all that 'brrrm brrrm brrrm noise--it does interrupt the contemplative state of this convent. We're hoping she'll adjust, however, given the size of the donation she has made."
Miers is approximately the same size as the former Sister Bertrille and is able to take advantage of the flight formula which propelled her into the air and onto American television screens during a particularly dark time in the entertainment industry.
The former Supreme Court nominee has seldom been seen in public since Leahy's committee issued a subpoena for her testimony in the firing of nine U.S. attorneys, and friends close to her say that almost simultaneous to its issuance, she experienced a religious calling that led her to the convent.
"Once here, she became sentimental about the President's service in the Texas Air National Guard and began to experiment with the possibilities that her habit presented. She wanted, vicariously, to share the thrill of flight with the President. She also believes that the Lord has given her the gift of flight to beat the subpoena," a former cellmate of Miers explained.
Miers is expected to remain at the convent pursuing her religious mission and pefecting take- offs and landings until Alberto Gonzales is designated as the sole scapegoat in the U.S. attorney incident.
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Oh is that what that was in the Hill Country? As I took a Sunday drive recently, I thought it was a vulture.
Mea culpa.
P.S. Ha! My word verification was "uglly."
Mea culpa.
P.S. Ha! My word verification was "uglly."
It may have been a Turkey Buzzard. Lulu, I loved it when she signed a birthday card to Bush "You are the greatest President ever!"
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It may have been a Turkey Buzzard. Lulu, I loved it when she signed a birthday card to Bush "You are the greatest President ever!"
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