Friday, June 01, 2007
Bright Lights in Dusky Times

My job and my colleagues--Here we all are, in a bootleg version of a photo taken to promote our upcoming open house. These women are amazing--smart, compassionate, and very funny. I am grateful for them daily. (Click picture for bigger!)

Check out this short piece on the young Leadbelly trying a gun on for size, from the point of view of the gun:
colt protection special
his daddy brings him to me
fresh and fifteen, a boy beggin'
to know me like a virgin
wind risin' to fuck a hurricane.
while his fist cloaks me
with the hush of broken youth,
i singe my bullet-toothed birth-
right into his fingertips. he hefts
my black powdered blue steel
mass, aims high to heaven,
wonders how easy it is to slip
into god's dirty clothes.
Writing like that makes me grateful for language, and Jess nails his ideas again and again. The most consistent, excellent book of poems I've read in years.
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Thanks for the uplifting post. Gratitude is a beautiful emotion and one I need to reflect on daily because it is so healthy and it helps others in so many ways. I like the way your gratitude was expressed by people who have impacted your life.
Lulu, you work with Laura Bush? Laura Bush is a great American, and let me just add, Lynne Cheney is as great a historian as Laura Bush is a librarian, and our country would be damn fortunate to have her as first lady.
Woooooo . . . I was just going to thank you for the recommendation for the Ledbetter book (I love his music), when I saw the cheney08 post above. What's that about?? I will now take a look! Meanwhile, keep up the great commentaries!
I think that Cheeneyh08 is to Dick Cheney what Sister Nancy Beth Eczema (of Edicts of Nancy) is to Christianity, Sigrid. I'm looking forward to more of his supportive (of the Dick) posts.
Ah, Lulu, I love Leadbelly. When I was a girl, I knew the Chess kids, who's father was Chess Records. And Leadbelly, and Howlin Wolf, used to record there, in Chicago. And we used to go hang out - it was amazing.
As for Cheney08, he is as much a patriot as Sister Nancy Beth Exzema is spiritual.
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As for Cheney08, he is as much a patriot as Sister Nancy Beth Exzema is spiritual.
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