Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Just Say Rove

Surely there's no one more interesting to interrogate than this bean bag.
As I scanned an article in the Huff Post tonight about some Gonzales aide who is taking the Fifth while her lawyer blasts Congressional Democrats, I wondered, why are we even having this conversation? Why talk to any of these underlings when the big Turd Blossom continues to emit such a telling odor?
Get the Great Oz to step out from behind his screen, whether for the outing of Valerie Plame, or the firing of the U.S. attorneys, or for any of Dubya's other inefficiencies and atrocities, and you'll find one of two men who make living in the body looking like an act of obscenity, Karl Rove or Dick Cheney. Were they separated at birth?
You just don't see either of them testifying.
Anyone else is (you should pardon the expression) someone in the bush leagues.