Sunday, January 28, 2007
Note to Hillary: Lose the Poodle Skirt

When I was about 12, I remember reading lots of books on How To Be a Successful Teen--girl, because of course, most boys weren't buying into that junk. They weren't the pleaser gender. They were to be pleased.
Anyway, somewhere in some enlightening tome like Dear Abby Talks to Teenagers, I remember the advice that was supposed to ingratiate me to the opposite sex: on a date always talk about his interests--learn something about sports and cars, world affairs, and then ask questions. Don't talk too much about what you think; what does he think? Be a good listener! Be interested! Build his confidence!
Let the Conversation Begin!, Hillary's new getting-to-know-you tour, reminds me of Dear Abby's antiquated advice (which she revised during the course of her long career). I don't want to tell Hillary my opinions so that she can miraculously agree with them any time she's shmoozing with my demographic; I want to know what she would do to put America on decent footing with the rest of the world. I want her to stop doing her centrist bop and tell me very specifically what it would mean if she were somehow to win the White House. What is her world view? What role should our nation play in relation to the rest of the world? Is there a vision in all that hedged verbiage? Is she waiting till she hits the Oval Office to tell us what's what, or is she simply a smart person who lacks vision?
We can't afford gestures in place of substance. One thing I know for sure: without a real revelation of her positions on the issues, this First Woman President thing won't go far. And it shouldn't.
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Besides pandering to the corporate world..Ol Hillary does a great job of looking humble..did she get that from one of those books you read as a young girl? I read the Hardy Boys myself :P
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