Thursday, November 16, 2006
We're Fuckin' the Ducks

This time, though, we've all done it--manipulated by Big Bidness and its advertising minions as to what constitutes The Good Life. The instigation of greed across the races and classes as we reach for our own pathetic slices of American pie. Big Bidness knows that if we all are given our proper little piles of Wal-Mart crap, we'll be too busy playing with it to notice what is really going on.
In the meantime, it's November in New England, and time for some titty-freezing cold. In New England we don't mind that. It's nature's way. It leads to brilliant colors, winged migration, skiable snow, and a solid sap run in February. Or it used to.
It's so warm here that the ducks don't know that it's time to go. They're floating around on Peterson's Pond, having more ducklings (fornicating, as Sister Nancy Beth Eczema would point out, godless little waterfowl that they are). Having no sense. You can forget coming to New England for the annual miracle of the fall colors: they're dull, colorless, washed out, compared to the screaming reds and oranges that I knew just a few years back.
I can't bear to think about the polar bears and their cubs, separated on ice floes from one another.
This is one we all have to own up to. This is one we have to insist on being fixed. Iraq isn't just a foreign policy disaster; it's an environmental one, too, and its implications go far beyond the bombs we dropped on those poor, innocent people. And Iraq is just one disaster that we have helped to foist on the world. We're materialistic chumps who are gulping down a disproportionate share of nature's resources.
We have to turn aside from our toys and demand accountability--not only from our politicians, but from ourselves.
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That duck looks like he's got some kind of growth on his chest.
Meanwhile in Texas, I had to pay someone to mow my lawn today. In November.
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Meanwhile in Texas, I had to pay someone to mow my lawn today. In November.
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