Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Taking It on the Road

Declaring that "music is the universal language," Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has announced plans to make use of her performing talents on all future diplomatic missions abroad.

Dr. Rice will use as her program the top ten selections on her Ipod, from piano concerti by Mozart and Brahms to "Rocket Man" by Elton John and "Celebration" by Kool and the Gang. She'll begin her set with a hard driving version of "Respect." "I want the audience to know that I speak for America, speak for my husb-- the President."

Here Dr. Rice models her ensemble for the finale, which will feature "Sunshine of Your Love." It is technologically enhanced, she acknowledges, because "I want other nations to know that America is still strong in the engineering sciences."

"I will do everything I can to ensure that America's friends will remember this event for a long, long time," she says.

O for the love of god..that is good!!!!!

Your post and the photoshop rock woman..PSP would be proud.
Super pastie-licious.
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