Saturday, June 03, 2006


Mark of Excellence?

I'm posting this to replace the really dirty song I wrote about Ken Lay ("Lay, Kenny Lay") which reveals shockingly even to me what a nasty little mind I have.

No matter. GM's latest obscenity falls within more acceptable social norms (ironically), and it bears recording, anyway. It's good for us Americans to continue to note our capacity for national chumpitude.

Beset by a declining share of the market, GM is offering a special deal on some of its gas-hungry critters: a voucher which guarantees a price of $1.99 at the gallon for the year after the buyer has foolishly signed the sales agreement.

I can see Chuck Chump swaggering out of the dealership and bragging to his buddies over a Coors, "So, how much ya payin' for gas, Chuzzlewit, 'bout $3.25 a gallon? Well I got a deal for $1.99!" He confidently waits for Chuzz's jaw to drop.

Of course, he has a 9,000 gallon tank, but never mind that.

GM prides itself on the breadth of its product line, which means that it will never be able to devote sufficient resources to developing gas efficient models. Its biggest seller is still the Impala, which is the best selling American car, but even it lags behind several Toyota and Honda models. Restructuring doesn't seem to be part of its long range plan.

I wonder if it's still dangerous to drive in those Michigan company towns in imports, or if GM has laid off so many workers for jobs that went south that it no longer raises an eyebrow.

What a sorry mess.

Hey fellow? Who calls anyone fellow?
Anyway, as to the big red Hummer you have there, I'm getting a little hot just looking at it.
My gosh, fellow, you came twice! Multiple orgasms!

Hummers don't do it for me. Cars don't especially do it for me, actually.

Guitars are another matter, or musical instruments in general.

Hey, Zippie... wanna pet?
Sorry fella

i am so from the South. Huumer drivers are so insecure!

Check out my blog for information on the Thumb
Sweet Jesus..I hate spammers with every fiber of my being.

Hey Sue! Great to see you over here at Lulu's:) Hows life in Katrina-land?
That bob dylan song is now stuck in my head..but I did love it when it was new.
Hell yes, I wanna pet.
I'm still thinking about the pettus interruptus over the July 4th weekend, back in '75.
Fucking Virginia and her crisp diction.
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